Sunday, October 18, 2015


Fitness & Health:

The title of this podcast was “sitting is killing you (even if you’re a runner)”.  The podcast is somewhat like traditional radio because when I listened to this podcast I was actually at the gym and looked it up and listened so the portability is great.  It was clear like the radio I listen to in my car.  Whats not the same was that this particular podcast didn't have commercials like radio and the guys who made this are having a regular conversation about sitting down is killing people and its so natural and not scripted. What I liked about this podcast is that the two guys were giving advise of what to change up in your daily routine so that you aren’t sitting as much.  For instance, a fun fact that really caught my eye was the average american spends 13 hours sitting, does not include sleep time.  I work out everyday and am on a diet so I didn't know that; I thought it was interesting. 


The title of this podcast was “How to cover a zit: Better than a celebrity makeup artist”.  This podcast had a narrator at the beginning introducing this specific makeup artist named Anne Kibler, which reminded me how old traditional radio was where they properly introduced the person who was going to speak.  What wasn’t the same as radio was the fact that makeup gurus or artist aren't really famous in radio so the fact she has her podcast speaking about her makeup tips for people to listen too is awesome, this podcast didn't have any commercials.  What I didn't like was the run time, I wanted there to be more but thats good because it makes you want to subscribe to the podcast and keep listening for updates. 


The title of this podcast was “NYFW, Kanye’s fashion show, dealing with Criticism”.  What was similar about this podcast to radio was the conversations between both hosts where you’d here on live radio.  This two (Lisa and Kaarin) Speak about New York’s fashion week and trends they like and what others liked, Kanye’s show being late and peoples reaction to it, What wasn't like tradition radio was the fact that its too opinionated again no commercials, they can say what ever they want and aren't restricted and can be however long they want. 

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