Thursday, October 15, 2015

ASSIGNMENT #3 (Podcast Survey - DUE 10/19 ON BLOG)

◦Choose three DIFFERENT audio podcasts and listen to 1 episode from each for a total of 3 distinct podcast episodes from 3 DIFFERENT main sources (do NOT listen to 3 episodes of the same podcast/program)
(Google… “+ Podcast” / use iTUNES, etc. for ideas)
◦Make new blog post with the label “PODCAST Assignment”
◦Answer this main question about each audio podcast episode you listen to (3 episodes total);
◦ “How is this podcast episode like or unlike traditional radio broadcasting?” Explain your answer with specifics!
◦Also share your general impressions/what you like and don’t like about the podcast episode in question
◦Completed Assignment due as a blog post by Monday, 10/19
◦Make sure your blog post has an effective headline and proper use of formatting, grammar, spelling and punctuation - they all count towards your grade
       Be prepared to discuss findings with the group
       Designed to expose you to the world of podcasts and prepare you to make your own podcasts

1 comment:

  1. “How is this podcast episode like or unlike traditional radio broadcasting?” Explain your answer with specifics!
    ◦Also share your general impressions/what you like and don’t like about the podcast episode in question

    It is about an interesting topic, well developed and has a positive message. This topic interests me because a lot of employed people are not happy with their jobs. He talked about a very important point “ Human Nature” and “Idea Technology

    Podcasts are more than downloadable audio. The big difference between downloadable audio and a Podcast is the subscription component. Podcasts allow you to subscribe, and new shows are automatically downloaded as they are produced. Listeners can subscribe via Pod catcher software, and an RSS reader that supports enclosures, or iTunes. Regular Internet radio does not allow you to subscribe.

    Great topic, food is always good to talk about especially when is about how to choose the right plate in the menu.
    The great benefit about podcasts are you can take them with you anywhere and anytime, I don’t have time to watch TV and I just listen to the radio when I am driving, so podcast are perfect for me as a communication major student I need to be informed and podcast are a great way.
    Unlike traditional mass media, which is in a constant struggle to grow the audience so that it can sell advertising for a higher premium, the beauty of Podcasting is that the best content is very niche and it's not always going to be relevant to that niche audience.

    Last but not least, this is one of my favorites I start my days listening to this podcast, great music and always up dated,

    One of the best parts of a Podcast is the ability to fast forward, rewind, pause and delete the content. With so much content being produced into these channels, it's also fine to totally ignore a specific show or episode.
