Sunday, October 18, 2015

Lisa Hammarlund Poadcast Assignment

1.)  The first Podcast I viewed/ listened too was about celebrity gossip and how the Real Housewives star Bethany Frankel gets a starter ring.  
I liked this Podcast because not only do I have an Interest in celebrity gossip I am also familiar with Bethany Frankel. This Podcast Was short but to the point they dove right in and discussed what I wanted to hear. I also liked how the Podcast did not have a serious tone to it, I feel that sometimes when listening to traditional broadcasts they can be very serious and it makes me loose Interest. 
Aside from being more casual and relax this poadcast was different from a traditional broadcast because it included a video and real life images of the celebrities.  

2.) The second podcast I listened too was about Fashion and Beauty brands and how they give back. The first thing a got my attention for this podcast was that the woman who was speaking is the Style Director for OK Magazine. I also choose this podcast because I am always looking for different ways to find out more fashion and beauty tips. This made me want to listen to the podcast because I am a lover of fashion and beauty and have read OK magazine for years. I liked how she explained each brand and product in detail and before listening to this Poadcast I had no idea that these major brands gave back. I felt this podcast has a very broad audience it could cater to do to the information within in it. I felt having a wide audiance was something that I liked because many broadcasts only cater to a small audience.  
This podcast could be similar and comparable to a traditional radio broadcast because the girl works for a magazine so they have a more wide spread way of reaching to the public.  

3.) The third podcast I choose was about traveling. I enjoy traveling and going to different destinations so when I come across tips on how to be a better traveler or how to pack better I like to read them. In this podcast  they discussed different places to go and some tips to know before booking the flight. I liked how there was two speakers in this podcast which I felt made it more interesting to the listener. Another thing I liked was how they included information about their up and coming app. I liked this because the people who listen to their podcast and enjoy it will probably look into downloading their app. The speakers included useful information that I felt can help with traveling better and safer. 
I feel that this podcast can be similar to a traditional radio broadcast because of the way the speakers approached the topics and the way the spoke. This had a more serious broadcast tone where as for the others I felt they were more relaxed and casual. 

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