Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Tiffany Panarese 
Prof. Luther 

Story #1:    http://news.yahoo.com/police-man-killed-firefighter-mad-over-traffic-delay-190959942.html

Title:  Police: Man who killed a firefighter mad over traffic delay  (yahoo news) 

1. Three different types of media components used in this article are text, picture and Interactivity. 

2. The text was brief but summarized what the article was about. I got a very good understanding on what the article was about. This article was explaining how Taylor, 22 was charged thursday with murder, failing to stop at the scene of an accident causing death and fleeing police. It further explains how psychiatrists who evaluated Taylor diagnosed him with bipolar disorder and other mental illnesses. His reason behind killing the fireman was " he was angry with the firefighters for collecting money for charity and slowing traffic."  

This article also has a picture of Grant Taylor and if you click on it there is a brief explanation underneath the photo. Explaining who he is what he got charged with and when the incident occurred. The picture gives you a better visual of who Grant Taylor is. 

3.  This article also has a comment section so the people reading can voice their own opinion. I personally like viewing the comments because I like to see what other people think and how they feel about the article. You can really get a good understanding on how other people feel about the article. You can also share the article with other types of social media. For instance Facebook, twitter.

This was extremely disturbing to read. Grant Taylor's mother told the court to hospitalize Grant for mental health reasons and they didn't listen. He took the life away of a fireman. 

Story #2    http://www.cnn.com/2015/09/15/us/utah-arizona-flooding/index.html

Title: 8 dead , 5 missing as flash flood washes away vehicles at Utah- Arizona border 

1.  Video, Text and pictures were three media components used in this CNN article. 

The text in the article sums up everything. This article explained what happened Monday. Eight people died and five other are missing after a false flood. All of the victims were small children and mothers,  the youngest child was about four years old. The text goes on to explain most of the members of the community are members of the Warren Jeff's polygamist known as the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day saints. (FLDS). The text has that highlighted so you can click on it and it will take you to a new link. That is helpful so you can get a better understanding on what the (FLDS) is. 

The video sums up the text. For instance if you didn't have time to read the article you would get a good understanding on what was going on. The video is also a good way to see what is happening visually.  In the video you can hear the screams from the residents shocked by the rushing water and heavy rain falling. From watching the video it makes me feel as if I were actually there. The article also illustrates pictures. I love when articles illustrate pictures. I can respond better to visual information rather than plain text. 

This was devastating to watch.  Especially  hearing the screaming in the background it breaks my heart.  

Story # 3     http://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/14/sports/basketball/moses-malone-dies-at-60.html?ref=basketball&_r=0

Title :  Moses Malone, 76ers' "Chairman of the Boards," Dies at 60  ( Times) 

1. Text , Pictures and Interactivity were all used in this article. 

 I really enjoyed this article . You had to read the text to know what was going on. There are some words highlighted because if you don't understand what they mean you can click on them and another link will open up and you can get a better understanding about what is going on. That is really helpful. The text sums it up all.  
The pictures are a great way to visually see who Moses Malone was. Underneath each picture there is a description expelling to the reader what game it was and other details. 

 This article has options to share to other social media platforms. For example,  you can email somebody and share the link tweet. This article almost had it all. If you keep reading you notice it says 106 comments. If you click on them you can post your own comment or read other peoples. By reading comments it helps you get a better understanding on what a wonderful person  Moses Malone was. 

1 comment:

  1. Good job but I did want you to label this post as "ASSIGNMENT #1" - see Blackboard for your grade.
