Assignment #1 Gabriella Mutino
“Hungarian Police Use Water Cannons And Tear Gas In Clashes With
Refugees At Border”
1). In this article the three forms of
media used are Print/Text, Video and Interactivity.
2). The strength of the Print/Text form is that it
states facts about the water bombs and tear gas being used on immigrants trying
to cross the border as well as direct quotes from victims at the scene. The
strength of the video is that it gives the reader an inside scoop on what
actually happened, the “When I see it I’ll believe it” factor. The imbedding of
the video also known as Interactivity makes it even easier for readers to get
the full details and holds onto the reader’s attention without waiting for
another page to load. The video was very effective because it gave the article
itself that “WOW” factor.
3). I don’t
think there’s anything I’d change about this article as there are also tweets
attached to the article both from people who were at the scene as well as
people’s worldwide reactions, which were interesting to read.
“Historic Flash Flooding Kills At Least 16
People In Utah”
1). In this article the three forms of media used are Print/Text, Video and
2). The strength of the print and text is there are direct quotes from
the victims who were trapped in their cars throughout the flood. When people
see that there were only 16 people killed in the title it doesn’t seem as eye
catching until you scroll down the page and see the video that was imbedded in
the article and see how drastic the flood actually was. The imbedded photos
showed the completely smashed/ destroyed vehicles caught in the middle of the
flood which really draws the reader in to continue reading the rest of the
3). If I could add anything I think it would be an interview with some of
the victims from Utah to get a face-to-face reaction of what emotions the
victims were feeling in the moment. Overall the article was very organized and
held my attention throughout the very end.
“After Coming Out In Her Junior Year, This
Transgender Teen Was Voted Homecoming Queen”
1). In this article the three forms of media used are Print/Text, Video and
2). The strengths in the print/text were the direct quotes from Landon
Patterson, which makes it relatable to other transgender people reading this
article. It also included her advice to other trans genders about their
confidence and character, which gives an intimate connection to the reader
whether they are trans, or not. The video shows Patterson being crowned
homecoming queen and the crowd’s heartwarming reaction, which makes the article
more interesting to continue reading. Interactivity wise, there is the video as
well as direct tweets from the cheerleading team at her high school as well as
other peers supporting her for who she truly is.
3). If there was something I could add to this article it would probably
be a direct video interview of Patterson herself and maybe some facts/ theories
about supporting trans genders to make it more of an informing article.
Good job but I did want you to label this post as "ASSIGNMENT #1" - see Blackboard for your grade.