Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Assignment #1 Lisa Hammarlund

Assignment #1 Trendsetters at work, Unexpected apology at Miss America and Bachelor Engagement
By: Lisa Hammarlund

Story #1: Trendsetters at work NYFW Edition 
1. The two media types that are used in this article are Text and Pictures

2. The pictures are used in the article are an example of Interactivity. They go along with the story  that is being explained and give the reader a better understanding of the article and the story. Since this is a fashion based article there are many pictures of clothes, shoes, accessories and models.

3. The text tells the actual story, this article is set up as an interview with a fashion designer/ trendsetter Misha NoNo. The interview/ article talks about Misha's early life in the fashion industry and how she got to where she is today. This article also touches base on things such as runway shows and fashion week.

I found this article to be interesting and it caught my eye because I have always had a huge interest in the fashion industry so I love to read about how people got started. 

4.  As far as media coverage for this article I would add an audio file because the article was an interview so I feel that the audio would help to better understand the context. Other than that I thought the article was fine media and non media ways.

Story #2: Vanessa Williams "Unexpected" apology at Miss America
1.  video and text were the two media types that are used in this article.

2. The video explains what the article and the apology was about. The video that is within the article is an actual clip from the recent 2015 Miss America Pageant. I feel that the video is important because it gives the reader/ viewer a better understanding of the article.

3. The text explains how Vanessa Williams received an apology from Sam Haskell who is an executive chairman of the Miss America Pageant. Williams was a former miss America who was crowned in 1983 and then forced to resign to risky photos that were released.

4. I felt that this article does not need any changes to be add or made media wise because I felt that with the text and the video one can definitely understand the story being told. This article was interesting to me because I watch these pageants every year and this year and this is a major thing for the miss America cooperation to release an apology to one of their former winners. 

Story #3: The Bachelor's Ashley Salter is engaged to her college sweetheart
1. Text and pictures were the two media types that are used in this article

2. The text/ article explain who Ashley Salter is, she is a former contestant on this past seasons the bachelor.  Ashley unfortunately was voted off and now according to the article she is engaged to be married to her college boyfriend whom she met attending Auburn University.

3. The pictures that are included along with the article are pictures of her engagement ring and a picture of her and her soon to be husband. I feel that these pictures are important because some may not know who Ashley Salter is, until you see a picture of her but some who don't know her at all now know what she looks like and that she is a former reality TV cast member.

4.  If something was to be added or changed in this article media wise I would say that the article needs to be longer and that there should either be more pictures or a short video clip needs to be added. I feel this way because not everyone knows who this girl is and the article was only a little brief synopses.

1 comment:

  1. Good job but I did want you to label this post as "ASSIGNMENT #1" - see Blackboard for your grade.
