Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Events Taking Place in the U.S. (except for one)

This news article uses the three most common forms of media on an internet news source: video, text, and interactivity. There's a reason why these three forms of media are used so often in a news story; they are independently immersive but together make a powerful source of information. The video is blunt and gets straight to the point of what the article is about while the text gives the reader more information and context to what the video entails. And finally, the article surrounds the reader with related stories that creates the perfect environment for the he or she to be consumed by the events taking place and brought up to date with popular culture. One thing I would have been interested in seeing is a comments section to see what opinions people had other than just being spoon fed a story.  

What I found interesting about this story is that it uses audio without video. This isn't as common in visual news articles mainly because it isn't as personal or immersive and most of all it's somewhat uninteresting. Now this article does use text and there is other related content that you can choose to read at the bottom of the article, that is, if you so happen to bother reading it. The problem with this specific article is that the text is almost word-for-word of what the audio informs the reader on. Although the information is being given there is no reason for the reader to continue any further research on the news source which, in turn, will cause the reader to most likely not return to the site for the little it has to offer.

Unlike the first story, we can see a photo gallery that presents an emotional connection to the Syrian asylum seekers stuck at the border between Serbia and Hungary. Because the photo gallery is the first thing shown it forces the reader to want to read the rest of the article in order to completely understand what is currently taking place during a time of desperation for the Syrian nationals. What further strengthens the article is the fact that after reading just a few small paragraphs there is a video that continues its pursuit on informing the reader. It is placed perfectly within the article so that the reader never gets a chance to become bored of he story. Something is always happening within the article and one may choose to read more on the related stories section or even reply down in the comment section below.

1 comment:

  1. Good job but I did want you to label this post as "ASSIGNMENT #1" - see Blackboard for your grade.
