Sean Browne
1. The different types of media components in this
article was video, text and interactivity
2. The text provided a solid outline of what this
story entailed, thirty seven brothers from the Pi Delta Psi Fraternity would be
facing criminal charges for their part in the death Chun Hsien Deng's on
December 9th, 2013. His death was a cause of hazing. The story arced the time
of Chun's death to police arresting these thirty seven fraternity brothers. In
between those two events, the story displayed all of the things that happened
in between. Things like the police officers trying to build a case and the
questioning of the fraternities president Andy Meng for his role in this event.
The text did a very good job in giving detailed occurrence of what happened.
The video displayed a in depth analysis of
Chun's death. Police chief Chris Wagner of the Pocono Mountain Regional
Police Department gave the details of the death. Deng was blindfolded and was
assaulted by his other brothers. Deng complained how much it hurt, and then he
was unconscious and had a hard time breathing. which lead to his death. The
video gave me a visual aid of what
happened, the emotional power of this video really made me uncomfortable and gave
me a image of what happened. So it was definitely very powerful.
The interactivity came when at the top of the
article, I could click on a twitter button, and I could share this story on
twitter. I think that it is very cool because I can spread the awareness of
what happened
3. If I were to add something to this video I would
definitely have added a poll. With a question saying " after this event,
should Greek life be involved on campus". I would like that because I
think that's a reasonable question to bring up. This is not the first
time a fraternity related death has happened, so I would be interested to see
what people think about fraternities.
Story Two -
1. The types of media
in this article was print, video and interactivity
2. The print of this
news story told how ISIS is planning an 9/11 repeat. The print depicted threats
from ISIS. with quotes from ISIS such as “We will repeat September 11 and we
will send cars full of explosives and suicide bombers,”. So I definitely felt
the severity of this issue. Thanks to the Daily News, I understand that ISIS is
officially planning a threat on the United States.
I found the video the
be very gut wrenching. The video showed footage of a plane flying into the
World Trade Center and images of ISIS soldiers. I found this video to be very
impactful. Watching that footage made me very upset and brought back very sad
memories of an awful disaster. But the video did fulfill its purpose, because
the whole point of this article was to spread awareness of a awful treat such
as ISIS, and sometimes the only way to spread awareness is through scaring us.
The interactive part
came when the writer Meg Wagner shared her email at the bottom of the article.
I thought that was cool. Now if I wanted to share my opinions of this article I
have direct access to do so.
3. I would had
definitely added a response from the United States in her print. Just because
it could give people a sense of comfort. I think some people reading this could
be very frightened, so maybe a response from the government reassuring its
people could have been fitting
1. The types of media in this article was
print, video and interactivity
2. The print was an
informative piece, it told how the Republican debate was on tomorrow night. It
was pretty basic information like what time it is on, what channel it is on and
who is in it. The one surprise was that Carly Fiorina will also be joining the
debate as the eleventh candidate,
The video showed how
Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina were gaining ground in this election. They also
said that if these two one a primary or a caucus that it would be a first time
a African American or a Woman who was affiliated with the Republicans won. I
thought that fact was interesting only because I never knew that before.
David Catanese also
posted his email information in case I wanted to give him some feedback.
Unfortunately I would probably not give him any stellar reviews on this piece.
3. If I were to change
anything I would have definitely cut out all the Donald Trump nonsense at the
end on the print. Catanese talks about how Trump and Carson have been attacking
each other. I just want one article in relation to the election where I don't
have to hear who Donald Trump is attacking now
Good job but I did want you to label this post as "ASSIGNMENT #1" - see Blackboard for your grade.