Monday, September 14, 2015

ASSIGNMENT #1 Theodere McReporter

Assignment #1

Title: Hideo Kojima's Sad Farewell to Metal Gear
  1.  Three different types of media components used in this article are Video, Text, and Interactivity. 
  2. The video used for the story revolved around the director of the Metal Gear Solid Video Game franchise, Hideo Kojima and his farwell to the gaming industry. It recapped not entirely on his history as a director in gaming but the impact he has made on his fans and also the impact his fans had on him and his team through making the latest game MGSV: The phantom pain. Now while the author described this as "cliche" It is what the end of the video that really captured our emotions. A visit to a family of a special fan who unfortuantely passed of cancer before the final creation of this franchise.
  3. The text was very breif but impactful and summarized why you should watch this "debreifing" Not only did this open up the stage to have the viewers watch the video but also offered interactivity as well between the website in which the video was posted and also on youtube from which the video was originally uploaded. Opened up the comments to give omage and reminise their favorite games and moments from Hideo's franchises. Also provides options to share to other social media platforms.
Story #2:

Title: Apple criticized for photoshopping smile on woman's face
  1.  Video, Text, and Interactivity were the three media components used in this CNN article.
  2. Apple's demo of the new photoshopping like feature on their new device at their press conference raised "heat" for photoshopping a smile on a womans face. In addition to showing the video recap they grabbed tweets from twitter and compiled them into the article as photos to show some of the many people interacting with that demo although negatively. Alongside the tweets, quotes were also stated in the text of the article showig the disgust people had towards the intial demo. To expand on this, the author talked about the diversity in their press conference comapred to others and in tech overall which has proven to be a difficult issue in that industry. 
  3. All of this compiled has pulled in interactivity over twitter to CNN. Also has options to share to other social media platforms.
Story #3:

Title:  For the frist time ever, a non-Korean wins a WCS Premiere Season
  1. Text, Video, and Interactivity were all used in this eSports article posted on
  2. the WCS, since its format into seasons 2 years ago it has become grwoingly difficult for anyone non-Korean to win. This past weekend proved otherwise. Following that weekend, the article recaps how the weekend up to the win had gone. In addition to the recap the author posted the recap of the entire stream as a VOD for the viewers to catch the win of this frenchman over the rest of the world. In addition to this they also included a quick cast of the coverage of the event as well. Interactivity wise, they included ways to post the article to other social media platforms. 

1 comment:

  1. Good job, McReporter, but I did want you to label this post as "ASSIGNMENT #1" - see Blackboard for your grade.
