Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Assignmet #1

Wednesday September 16, 2015.

Florencia Lara
Multimedia Journalism
 Professor Luther


F. Lara Reporting from WCC

Story #1

“NASA will Isolate 6 Researchers in a dome for a year to Simulate a Mars Mission”

1.) Video, text, interaction and pictures were the media components used in this interesting article. 
This article is about how six researches are going to live in a dome for one year to simulate a mars mission.

The video is about ten minutes long and well used, has details about it. Show how the dome is made inside and everything that the researchers have to live in for the year, there are not many comments but there are plenty of shares in different social media sites. There are also pictures of each location of the dome and a map of it.

I personally like to read the comments to see how people feel about it so I will just like to add or see more comments for a discussion.


“Just 5 Minutes of Running Per Day Could Add Years to Your Life”

1). Interactivity, video and text were the media components used in this TIME video. This health informative video is great; it is short, less than two minutes, creative and interesting. I personally like to read about health everyday and I like it because it is informative and short, goes right to the point. 

This video is about the benefits of jogging but the best part is that researches from the World Health Organization said that it is better to run for less than an hour than more than one hour. Awesome right? There is a video with text on it, colors and voice; there is not much text aside. The page is friendly has interactivity and easy to move around, can be share on Facebook, twitter, and pinterest or e-mail it. There are related interesting health articles with around. I highly recommend going in this site if you like wellness and health lifestyle articles. 

I will like to see an interview with someone who run and someone who doesn’t for an example and comparison. And it is missing comments. I like to read the comments to see how people feel and think about it.

Story #3

"Why Failure is so Important to Career Success”

1). This CNN money women entrepreneur article has a short video without voice, but has text, pictures, related articles and interactivity, the video catch your attention right away.

 It is effective because there is not much text on it but enough to understand the facts about entrepreneur woman and the fair to failure, it has options to share in most social media sites and comments I recommend reading the comments for a better understanding and knowledge of the article also you can share your opinion too and that makes articles good for a discussion.

This article has it all; I will just add voice to the video.

1 comment:

  1. Good job but I did want you to label this post as "ASSIGNMENT #1" - see Blackboard for your grade.
