Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Assignment #1 - A Report on Three Pieces of Multimedia Journalism

Jeff Hott
Multimedia Journalism
Assignment #1

The second Republican Presidential Debate was broadcast live on CNN's website. Not only was the debate broadcasted, but the page was also consistently updated with important quotes from the potential nominees. Also included were links to Twitter and Facebook.

Watching the debate, I was able to see how the potential candidates interacted with eachother in a way that would not have been possible had it been a pure audio recording. The links to Twitter and Facebook would also enable viewers to share the debate on social media, possibly increasing the amount of viewers.

Were I able to, I would add a comment section to the page so that others would be able to share their views on the potential candidate's views.

As the conflict in Syria between the rebels and the al-Assad regime escalates, it seems as if Russia has been ignoring the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's repeated warnings to cease armament of the al-Assad backed military. Included on the page is a video which shows satellite images of Russian helicopters and tanks at Syrian air bases. Included were links to several social media websites.

The article was extremely informative, even going on to describe a meeting between Secretary of State John Kerry and his Russian counterpart, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, on Russian military aid to the al-Assad regime.

If I were able to add anything to the article, I would include a general comments section, so that social media users would be able to discuss and debate the issue.

Due to the wars in Middle Eastern countries such as Syria and Afghanistan, Western Europe is facing its largest refugee crisis since the Second World War. Migrants in Serbia, whose ultimate destination is Germany, have amassed at the Serbia-Hungary border, and a tense standoff with Hungarian Police has developed. Also included with the article is a video which shows victims of tear gas fired by the Hungarian Police over the Serbian border.

Seeing the refugees in the video amassed at the Serbia-Hungary border is quite distressing. A perfect example of the negative impacts of the European Union's Open Border policy. Were I able to add anything to this page, I again would add a comment section.

1 comment:

  1. Good job but I did want you to label this post as "ASSIGNMENT #1" - see Blackboard for your grade.
