Monday, September 28, 2015



Saturday, September 19, 2015

assighnment 1

Tiffany Wilson
Assignment 1

October 2015 Editor's Letter: Women Who Rule

The media components used in this article are text and pictures. The text tells the actual story while the pictures shows examples a woman that is quite successful. In this Octobers issue, the celebration of powerful woman in “women who have carved out positions of influence for themselves in an array of field” I think that this is article shows great appreciation for the hard workingwoman.
If there would be anything that I would change, it would be an interview with anyone of the woman that is being discussed. It would provide a better feeling of where and how they got to where they are.

20 Things You Shouldn't Do Before Bed
Story #2:,20715789,00.html

            The media components used in this article are text and pictures as well. It explains all the different as to what NOT to do before bed such as not using an e-reader or phone due, unless you keeping it at least 14in away from your face to reduce your skin of light- relayed sleep problems.
            I feel that this article doesn’t need and changes to it, it provided a picture for each point they made for the story, which it felt, was enough.

Alleged Thieves get Stuck in Elevator after Diamond Heist
            The media components used was video. In this video there is activity of a guy attempting to get away after a diamond heist. When trying to escape, heading towards the stairwell the thief finds out it doesn’t lead to the parking lot giving him the only option to take the elevator. The elevator getting stuck gave the police more time to get backup.
            I wouldn’t change anything about this due to the fact that it provided enough information to understand what was going on and explain the problems that occurred.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Different audiences lead to different uses of media in journalism

For this assignment I went to three different news sites, Forbes, BuzzFeed and CNN and looked up articles which i found relatively interesting and analyzed the way that multimedia journalism enhances the story.  The CNN article, written by Chris Isidore, “Craft beer isn’t as independent as you think” begins with all of the sharing options (Facebook, Pintrest, Email, etc) and then a ninety second video about a brewery which has sent their yeast up to space.  The article itself goes into more of the business side of the craft beer industry, throws plenty of numbers out there, and within the story offers links to many related articles.  The end of the article features an active comments section where readers can share their thoughts on the issues brought up by Isidore.  

I found an article on Forbes called “When The Recruiter Said This, I Wasn’t Interested Anymore” written by contributing writer Liz Ryan.  The article begins with Ryan’s information (a photo, tagline of her writing mantra and a link to follow her of the Forbes website.)  The first half of the article is a letter to the author about his experience with a recruiter.  Though there are no pictures to accompany the letter, midway through there is a link to some related articles which Forbes recommends.  Then there is a slideshow/ “image gallery” about interview tips when the interview isn’t asking the right questions.  The second page of the article is Ryan’s response (also in letter form) and is straight text and ends with an illustration by the author herself titled “When the Headhunter Calls.”  There is a link to comment of the story, more recommended reading and promoted stories (which are advertisements and not actual Forbes articles.)  

The final article I chose was from BuzzFeed, “Elton John Says He Got A Call From Vladimir Putin On Gay Rights”, written by BuzzFeed World News Editor Hayes Brown.  Not unlike the Forbes article, it begins with a picture, information about and the contact info of Mr. Brown.  There are then sharing links.  The article begins with two sentences in a bold and large font.  Then a huge picture of Elton John is embedded.  One more sentence in the same large font and a photo embedded from Sir Elton John’s Instagram.  The next sentence of journalism features a link to an article from The Guardian and then an unrelated gif from Marvel Comics.  This pattern continues, with photos every one to three sentences and a few more links for further reading within the article.  At the conclusion of the article are the same links to share that were at the beginning of the article and more BuzzFeed news.  

All three of these articles were about very different subjects and were directed to different audiences.  However, all three authors employed several different types of media within multimedia journalism to get their points across effectively.  The CNN article began with an interesting video which illustrated the innovation in the craft beer market.  Although not the main focus of the article itself (which was more about the business end of it) it effectively got the reader interested in what was being reported on later in Isidore’s piece.  The unique aspect of the Forbes article was the photo slideshow midway through it.  The text-heavy letters did not feature links within itself, due to the nature of the piece, but still was able to offer supplemental features like the slideshow to offer the readers a more visual aspect.  Hayes’ article relied heavily on photos as well as links to other sources to report effectively of the John/ Putin exchange.  

All three authors were effective in how they incorporated different media in their pieces.  I believe that since BuzzFeed is for a younger, and perhaps more social media savvy, reader, it is necessary that Hayes could hold their attention, and did this with the inclusion of photos and gifs.  I think that the CNN and Forbes reader are more similar, and while there were still photos and plenty of links there was more text, since I think that that audience has a longer attention span and can read more actual words per sitting, without the respite that an image can offer.  All three pieces used links and offered additional reading.  This was probably done to keep the reader of their site.  The comment section and the option to contact the author creates a sense of community within the site.  Although reporting on vastly different topics and targeting to different audiences, all three authors were able to effectively get their point across with the help of different media in their reports.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Are News Websites Using Multimedia Effectively?

Handcuffed for Making Clock, Ahmed Mohamed, 14, Wins Time With Obama

          This first article uses three different types of media, those being text, video, and interactivity. The text goes very in depth on what the article is about, giving a lot of details and information. The video gives more of a summary of the story, and then the interactivity of being able to share, comment, tweet and etc.
          The text was very informative, giving every detail that we need to know about the story and all that happened around the story like the celebrities that supported the kid and gave him nice advice and compliments via Twitter. The video was a nice touch to have the basic information about the article and also the view from the police on the story and why they arrested the kid.
          I feel like they should have used more pictures throughout the article to make it more interesting and less massive with the very long and "scary" text. I don't believe that I'm the only person who gets discouraged to read an article that simply has a very long text. They could have used the pictures of the tweets that were mentioned in the story, that alone would already make it more attractive

Chile rocked by deadly 8.3 magnitude earthquake

          This article also uses three types of media, text, videos, and the interactivity with other things throughout the article.
          The text this time is not so long, or at least doesn't feel as long as the text on the first article because it is broken in parts by other videos and pictures, which makes it more attractive. The article starts with a video in the beginning, again the video summarizes what the story is about, and another video in the article, a Instagram video from a citizen, shows the reaction of the people while the earthquake was happening. There is one picture used in the middle of the article that shows a map specifying where in Chile the earthquake actually happened. The text has many hyperlinked words that takes you to other related stories, making you spend more time on their website. The interactivity of the website is very effective, giving you many option to interact with the article, the writer and the public. They give you the option of sharing it in different social media websites, email, tweet, and also comments on the article, which in my opinion gives it a lot of interactivity to the piece.
          One thing that I think that could be improved on this website is to make the comment section more obvious and visible, so people can easily see it and leave some comments to interact with other people about their different opinions on the article. Another thing to be improved is to use a few more photos, I believe that photos always give more depth to the story, it makes people feel more connected to it.

Wildfires destroy hundreds of California homes

          This article uses text, video and pictures, and some interactivity.
          The article starts with a video explaining the story and summarizing all about it, and also giving the reader many emotional scenes, which makes people feel more connected to the story. The same emotional aspect is used in the pictures throughout the article, very sad pictures make people stay on the page to know what happened and why those people were so sad, I think the public feel very connected to a story when they see other people sad and in need of help. The text is very explanatory and detailed, giving even some statistics at the end of it. The is some interactivity in this article, people are able to share the story on a few different social media websites.
          This site is lacking on interactivity, they are missing a comment section, which is terrible because people nowadays love to make comments of the stories, just to be able to get other people's reactions and opinions. And I also think they could have added more videos to the story to make people at least stay a little more on the website and get more interested in the story.

Gustavo Comonian

Assignment # 1

Arlene Mencia
Multimedia Journalism
Proff Luther

            Story 1: “Plus-size model Ashley Graham brings her #iamsizesexy body to New York catwalks”

In this article all media components were used video/text/interactivity was used.
The article it self was eye catching because in NYC fashion week all you see are thin models, you never hear about curvy models. Ashley Graham shows courage in being a plus size model and encourages models that you can be a size 16 and still be sexy. Then there is a video of her being interviewed and her experience doing a catwalk on a fashion week stage. The reporter is very enthusiastic and the model’s excitement is genuine. The image that was posted was a screen shot of her instagram and her caption say’s “History was made! Curves took over the runway at #NYFW. Thank you to everyone who made this possible! And thank you to all the delicious curves that strutted their stuff and who showed the world what #iamsizesexy means!” this made me smile because its not every day that the media shows plus size models and their work. There is no audio without video but I don’t think this particular post would need that. I wouldn’t change anything but I would have added more text to have more information about the whole experience.

Story 2: “Trump to Bush I Could Have Owned You if I Wanted!”

In this story there are two videos, some texts and no audio with out video.
This caught my attention because I have heard about this election with trump and I don’t feel like he is fit to be president but that’s just my opinion for numerous reasons. The strengths of these two videos is Trump going back and forth with Jeb Bush and Carly Fiorina, Trump believes that he could have owned Bush, Bush had claimed that Trump has offered him money to support gambling in Florida but trump states that it was a lie. Trump then tries to defend himself in the first video, the two go back and forth and I found it amusing in one part because Bush kept interrupting Trump and Trump says “Excuse me!” and the crowed starts laughing. It was effective because it shows you the way he gets defensive with these accusations.  The next video showed Trump and Carly Fiorina face to face because of the comment Trump made about Carly’s face being an insult to woman. He then says that her face is very pretty meanwhile he stated previously that her face was an insult, the crowed was confused. Trump says one thing and then does the other in my opinion.  What I would change about this article was the fact that there was barley any text, they could had covered more and the videos could have been longer, could have been a must see.

            Story 3: “Apple News Is Better Than Newsstand, But That's Not Saying Much”

This article uses text and audio video. This article was interesting because the evolution of technology is incredible. Apple has evolved into the biggest thing out making new stands irrelevant.  Most people read their news on their phones of their tablets or any type of device, the traditional way seems like its being lost as the years go by. The strengths of this article is the text and video apples apps and ios 9 is making everything easier as they state in the article and the video was effective because it shows you just what there talking about, even showing images. I completely agree about the new technology making the old way of reading the news obsolete soon.

Millennial Media Assignment 1

In the article titled "How A Notorious Drug Kingpin’s Son Is Fighting to Save His Community" is a run of the mill print text. Underneath the title of the article are social media tags that the reader can you to share on he or she's Facebook, Tumblr, email, Twitter etc.  I think interactivity is important because this article is
This article sticks to origin of journalism of pen and paper except it's a typed out text.  These links gave readers the options to share with other people faster and more efficiently. Throughout the article things are hyperlinked so that one can inquire more information. Hyperlinking within the article is effective because that shows creditability within the story and in-depth honestly.  When you link the links they take you to websites such as, Washington post and CNN which are legitimate websites.
Another way this article consumes a reader effectively is the structure of the text, the front is a size that will not strain your eyes and the paragraphs are spaced out so that you are not so overwhelmed you lose you placement or interest for that matter. This article is well in-depth and detailed all while not being to overzealous.  I think a story like this in the appropriate media because if this were a video it may get a bit dragged out and redundant because many people would be talking about what is apparent and that is how a man is trying to effectively change his community for the better.
 I think the story would have been even more interesting if there was a picture of Tony Lewis Jr as a child or even with his father somewhere within the article, that right there would have made me feel more compassion then I feel.  I do not think it was necessary to hyperlink Tony Lewis's partner in crime in the first paragraph because that is not whom this story is about and that may take a reader off course. Reading this article verse watching this is more effective to me personally because it black and white and having the hyperlinks within the story helped me answer any questions I had while reading and all while being able to go back to the story and continue reading with more of an understanding. 
This was a refreshing read because it was written by someone in my age demographic  for our demographic verse a CNN news writer. The one thing that kept me interested in reading the story was that it was a Caucasian man writing a positive article on an African American trying to make better of a terrible situation instead of focusing on the negative which seems to be happening a lot these days.  It is refreshing to see that race not being shown in a negative light for once.

The form of media used for this article is video. The article titled "There's a Full Version of “Why You Always Lying" and It's Hilarious (video)" has millennial written all over it, it's short sweet and to the point.  As we all know things of the 90s are appearing in fifteen years later from fashion, movies and now music.  We recently allude to "bye Felicia" from the classic 90s movie Friday. If you seen the movie you understand the hilarity behind begin called Felicia. Now we have the infamous "Why You Lying" video which is a parody to the original hit Too Close written by a well know 90s R&B group that went by the name Next.  My mom was a huge fan of the group and played this song along with many others while we cleaned house Saturdays yet ironically when I showed her the video it went right over her head, maybe that is her age showing which shows the strength of this video. This video pays tribute to a group myself and a lot of other kids heard when they were younger, guess that shows our age to ha! What makes this such a great piece to be video is because it depicts the essence of 90s music the semi baggy jeans and a button up opened while the winds blows it back. That right there put me into a nostalgic mindset, being seven years old watching Usher and Aaliyah videos on MTV. The strength of this video is that it its entertaining and short and it does not drag on. I think what would have made this article even better is a complication of video of other reenacting this parody which would show how interactivity is amongst video/ audio as well and not just comment sections and reposting the link. I think the writer overall did a great job and did not take away from the video with too much writing which I feel many do at times. He gave a brief synopsis and let the video speak for itself.

Budge Babe: Here’s How to Shop Fall’s Best Trends Without Going Broke

This particular article used the best of both worlds pictures and text. An article on fashion uses text and pictures perfectly such as this article, the writer gives structured the article almost as a list and with sub headlines of different Fall essentials, a picture to describe the trend and there is a Pinterest tab in the top left-hand corner of the picture so that you can save it to your Fall inspo board if you choose to do so. I read articles like these everyday because I like seeing new trends but I hate reading them in generic magazines like Cosmopolitan, Vogue etc because they do not seem very diverse. Articles such as this one is written by someone once from my age demographic and has a more realistic perspective. I’d much rather read about a $40 handbag I can get at Aldo then to flip through Vogue and envy the 6’5 model wearing a $2,000 Hermes bag. This article is much more effective and and relatable because its created for the average college student. The blends of these two media work great because it makes it that much easier to help the reader plan a shopping trip and consider pieces that they may have never thought to own, which happens to me more times then I can count. I will say to make this article ever more effective I think the writer could have mentioned the idea of shopping with your school idea and coming up with fall trends you can save on by showing a student id. So many college kids are not aware of the importance of a student id and how much that card with an unflattering picture can do.