Monday, November 16, 2015

A look back at Vanilla Ice

By now if you have not heard the name Vanilla Ice, well then chances are your probably living under a rock. Ice has now become one of the biggest names in our pop culture society. Tackling both the music and the movie industry. Vanilla Ice was able to take some time off from his very busy schedule last week, to talk to me about what life is like for Ice and what hes going to tackle next.

1 comment:

  1. I’ve given you a Baseline grade that is viewable in Blackboard. Students have until 12/21/15 to implement suggested changes to their audio projects (see below for specific suggestions) for an updated grade. It is your responsibility to inform me that any changes have been made.

    *Your project is too long - the assigned length was 2 minutes.

    *I would have liked to hear actual Vanilla Ice music in the piece, specifically some of the music he references.

    *Your headline makes it sound like it’s a current piece and not an older one.

    *You don’t need the “by Sean Browne” in the headline.

    *A link to the original video needs to be embedded/linkable.

    Overall, your passion for the subject is evident and the sound-bites are nicely selected
