Thursday, November 19, 2015

Behind The Scenes With Carl Cox

One of the most charming DJs in the business. Musical ambassador and a veteran of acid house, a champion of techno, a dance music pioneer, label owner, King of Ibiza – you name it, Carl's been there and done it, never losing sight of his passions whether it's playing music, breaking tunes and celebrating life.

original interview:

1 comment:

  1. I’ve given you a Baseline grade that is viewable in Blackboard. Students have until 12/21/15 to implement suggested changes to their audio projects (see below for specific suggestions) for an updated grade. It is your responsibility to inform me that any changes have been made.

    *The link to the original video needs to be embedded/linkable.

    *Using music (his own?) throughout the project and not just under your narration would make the piece more cohesive.

    Overall, your passion for the subject is evident, your narrations are engaging, and the sound-bites are nicely selected.
