Monday, November 30, 2015

Reflecting Upon The Famous Whitney Huston

Click here for original video 

Here we have the famous Whitney Huston, speaking upon her feelings towards her acting career, her music and her feelings of being one of the most successful female who lived.

1 comment:

  1. I’ve given you a Baseline grade that is viewable in Blackboard. Students have until 12/21/15 to implement suggested changes to their audio projects (see below for specific suggestions) for an updated grade. It is your responsibility to inform me that any changes have been made.

    *Your project is too long - the assigned length was 2 minutes.

    *There is a misspelling in your headline and some of your text needs to be corrected.

    *Your introduction is hard to understand and sounds rushed.

    *Using a piece of actual Whitney Houston music in your project would go a long way in giving it more cohesion and clarity.

    Overall, you had some nice edits and choice of sound-bites.
