Monday, November 23, 2015

A Soldiers Feelings

This Is the most deadliest sniper in military history ever recorded.  This man saved many lives on and off the battlefield.  But being who he is, he exposed his real feelings towards the many harsh realities people in the military may have to face pre, and prior deployment.

1 comment:

  1. I’ve given you a Baseline grade that is viewable in Blackboard. Students have until 12/21/15 to implement suggested changes to their audio projects (see below for specific suggestions) for an updated grade. It is your responsibility to inform me that any changes have been made.

    *Your project is too long - the assigned length was 2 minutes.

    *There is a mistake in your headline.

    *Using the song was a powerful choice but would be better at only the beginning and the end.

    *Your text could be clearer (for instance you don’t give us his name) and your link to the original video needs to be embedded/linkable.

    Overall, your passion for the subject is evident and the sound-bites are nicely selected.
